On June 22, 2020, in Novosibirsk, an Agreement on Cooperation of the Union of Procurers and Processors of Wild Grows was signed with the Joint Stock Company "Investment Development Agency of the Novosibirsk Region".(IDA NSR)
The parties plan to carry out cooperation aimed at creating conditions for the development of the industry for processing wild growing raw materials and the market for wild plants, as an integral part of the Russian Siberian market for wild plants within the framework of investment projects in the Novosibirsk region.
Representatives of the IDA NSR (Molchanov V.E., Borozdenko D.I.) offered for consideration to the representatives of the wild plant processing industry their experience and developments in promoting cooperative forms of management, methods of supporting small and medium-sized businesses.Director of the Union Bobyleva N.N. focused the partners' attention on the need to update the assessment of the resource potential of the Novosibirsk region, the application of uniform rules for collecting and harvesting wild plants for all market participants, as well as conducting explanatory work with the population, incl. with self-employed persons during the harvesting season.