On November 29, 2019, within the framework of the IV Novosibirsk Agri-food Forum and the international industrial exhibition "Siberian Agrarian Week", a round table "Prospects for the development of organic agriculture in the regions of the Siberian Federal District" was held.
On January 1, 2020, the law on organic production comes into force, which will make significant changes in the development of organic agriculture and the development of the national market for organic products. As part of the round table "Prospects for the development of organic agriculture in the regions of the Siberian Federal District", the participants noted the high potential of the Siberian regions in terms of certification of organic production.
"70 million hectares of land are used in the world organic industry, and 34 million hectares of uncultivated land are used in Russia, of which 12 million hectares can be quickly introduced into organic production. Siberia is also important for the development of the wild plant sector. In Europe, there is more certified land for wild plants than for organic agriculture. It is necessary to pay attention to wild plants. There are 1 billion forests in Russia, can we really lag behind in this sector?", - said Oleg Mironenko (Executive Director of the National Organic Union).
Albina Kulikova (Director of LLC IC "Organika») she voiced one of the most problematic issues for organics – certification issues. The expert stressed that now the lands of the Siberian Federal District are considered suitable for organic farming. "They are interested in Siberian lands because we were not so actively involved in intensive agriculture, so today this is our potential. Today, we have foreign certification companies that issue various international organic certificates, but after the law comes into force, they will not be recognized on the territory of Russia," said Albina Kulikova. She noted that the issue of Russian certification and the presence of accredited laboratories should be resolved today, since with the entry into force of the law, this will become the main issue that hinders the development of organic products in Russia [http://rosorganic.ru/about/press/siberia-to-russia-is-a-promising-ma.html].
Ps: Currently, 3 national standards have been approved in the Russian Federation:
- GOST R 56104-2014 " Organic food products. Terms and definitions".
- GOST R 57022-2016 " Products Of Organic Production. The procedure for conducting voluntary certification of organic production".
- Interstate standard GOST 33980-2016 " Organic products, rules of production, processing, labeling and sale (CAC/GL 32-1999, NEQ)»
The procedure for approving the standard with IFOAMinternatonal has begun, the development of a standard for wild plants, for the production of biofertilizers is in the process, and work is underway to change the interstate standard.